This summer, we are very excited to announce that here at Neesa's Doodles, we'll be expecting 2 litters of Mini-goldendoodle puppies. Luna's litter will be born July 5th, and Molly's are expected the week after. We'll talk about Molly's litter in another post, because this post is all about Luna!

Luna is a 22 lb, apricot colored ball of fun. she loves snuggles

and playing

and generally being an all-around great dog.
Now, about her puppies. Due July 5th, Luna is expecing a litter of Teacup Mini-goldndoodle puppies! This is the sire, Sammy:

Sammy is a Toy Poodle with a large personality. He comes in at 4 lbs, and is apricot in color.
The puppies from these two will be under 12 lbs as adults, and will be closer in color to Sammy than to Luna. We are so excited to meet them!